What is postpartum support?

Postpartum support is holding space for any need that the birthing parent may have after having a baby. Holding space could look like listening to a birth story, cooking a nourishing meal, washing dishes, washing/folding laundry, caring for the baby so that the parent can nap, and taking care of any other need so that the parent can be present with their baby.

Being present with a postpartum parent is meeting them exactly where they are. Mental, physical and nutritional health all play a critical role in determining what those needs are.

How much support you need depends on the present and is not concretely predetermined. Milk & Cradle offers support up to 1 year postpartum and can be scheduled as needed. Ideally, we will work together in the early weeks after delivery and occasionally throughout the first year.

Currently accepting April and May requests for daytime support. Schedule your courtesy meet and greet to discuss how you could be supported – https://milkandcradlescheduleappt.as.me/MeetandGreet