Post-Surgery Updates

Believe it or not, my post surgery care has been very similar to that of a newly postpartum mom.  For the past 2 years I’ve suffered from worsening symptoms associated with fibroids.  As the fibroids grew and caused other discomforts, I knew that it was time to take care of them.  On February 3, I had a laparoscopic myomectomy.  This procedure was less invasive than that of an open myomectomy whereas that incision is essentially the same as a cesarean.  Instead, very small incisions were made for robotic access to my uterus. 

Prior to surgery, I proactively prepared to have support and set priorities for the 2-4 week recovery.  1 week post surgery I am so happy to say that I am feeling so much better and can’t wait to get back to serving the community. 

What areas of care are important for surgical or birth recovery?

  • Comfort measures
    • Pain management- I prepped medications prior to surgery so that my family would only have to ensure that it was taken as recommended.  I purchased a 7 day pill organizer to do this.
    • Attire – I organized clothing prior to the procedure so that they were accessible and appropriate for what I would be able to wear, this included female diapers!  Postpartum mamas might tell you that these diapers are so much more comfortable than a pad or mesh underwear.
    • Pedialyte! – Yes, the one “for kids”. It took about 24-48 hours for me to regain the ability to keep food down.  Pedialyte was easy to sip and I knew that it would keep me hydrated until I could do better. Sports drinks and other electrolyte drinks are often not a good option for preventing dehydration due to vomiting or diarrhea.
  • Nourishment
    • Family was available to prep and serve meals
    • Frozen meals were prepared for the time that I would have no support in the home
    • Broths, soups and frequent small portioned meals are great ideas for ensuring that nourishment is provided
  • Physical Support
    • There were times that I physically couldn’t move myself due to the pain of recovery.  This could very well be the story of someone who has had a difficult delivery and is unable to swiftly tend to the baby’s needs.  

Overall, I am eager to get back to helping mamas in the 4th trimester!  Thanks to everyone that has checked in on me.  Let’s hit the ground running Feb 21!  The calendar reopens on Feb 19.  I look forward to hearing from all that have reached out.