
Breastfeeding doesn’t have to be a solo journey, and IBCLCs like myself are a vital part of a new parent’s care team. I’m proud to work with The Lactation Network to connect families to the insurance-covered care they deserve. Breastfeeding can be as hard as it is joyful, and I hope that the more awareness there is around lactation support, the more parents will be able to access supportive, individualized care.

How To Schedule a Lactation Consultation

  1. Request A Lactation Consultation – this will submit your insurance information for authorization. Skip to #2 if self-pay/without insurance
  2. Schedule your requested visit – please schedule your requested visit after insurance has been approved or if self-pay.
  3. Check your email for correspondence.

Types of Visits

  • Prenatal – lactation consultation during pregnancy, ideally scheduled between weeks 30-36+
  • Breastfeeding Basics – A virtual breastfeeding education session.
  • Initial Postpartum (in person) – An initial lactation consultation, full health history and assessment of mom and baby(ies).
  • Initial Postpartum (virtual) – a 60 minute virtual lactation consultation. This is useful if there are no physical challenges that need an in person assessment.

Paying For Your Visit
Insurance covered visits have no out of pocket costs unless you are charged by Milk & Cradle for any travel fees outside of the service radius (1 hour radius of Charlottesville). Please verify your insurance coverage prior to scheduling a visit.

Self-pay clients will provide a 50% deposit at the time of booking and save a credit card on file for payment of the 2nd half on or before the day of the appointment.

Got questions? Email, you will receive a response within 24-48 hours Monday-Friday.